• #healthcare


From heartbeats
to high fives

How we validated a special target group for the unique wearable ECG tracker in one month.

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Heartbit brought a new functionality to the market, so we not only needed to validate the concept, but to educate the target group as well.

Heartbit's smart and wearable device can measure stress ECG and can help avoid accidents during sports activities. They asked us to validate their concept on the market with marathon runners, and help figure out the scope of their MVP.


UX Research, Market Analysis


Web and Mobile


Deep Interviewing, Online Surveys, Fake Door testing


Research Plan and Concept Validation

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multiple images with HeartBit screenshots

Validating a unique product on the market for a specific target audience

Heartbit is a unique wearable health tracker, that brought a new functionality to the market. Through the validation, we needed to create messages that were crystal clear on the functionality, and also short, sweet and eye-catching. To achieve this, we used the interviews we conducted to mimic the language of the target group and mixed in the insights gathered from our market, competitor and keyword research.

Meeting a short deadline and strict budget

We had only a month to research the market and validate the product concept. To top that the budget was set, leaving no room to waste. To meet both criteria we distributed the tasks in a way that we could work on them simultaneously as much as possible. To save more time, we separated research, design, and validation to weekly sprints - helping us keep focus.

Working to meet an insanely short deadline

3 months. That’s all the time we had to create a research-backed user experience re-design of the widely used retail banking application. We applied design thinking and lean methodologies, we communicated constantly with the client and organized sprint planning and review meetings, retrospectives, daily standups, brainstorming events and on-site days to make progress with the high speed required for the project.

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