- #project management
pricing friendly
How we introduced and tested the pricing page of Nostromo, our project management tool.

Our award-winning project management tool reached the point of monetisation, so we introduced the pricing page and subscription process.
The complexity of setting a software's price is widely known. And also the fact that price plans are usuallynot the most friendly parts of a product’s offer.
UX/UI Design and Development, QA
Web and Mobile
Figma, React, Flutter
Wireframes, UI interface, MVP mobile app, and partner web application

Introduce the subscription plans in a user-friendly way, while staying consistent with the brand
We wanted to sustain and further build the loveable Nostromo story and atmosphere with our price plans, which is a tough task. We designed and brought in new space creatures that were aligned with the brand and could strengthen emotional bonds, and were able to visually represent different package sizes.
Create a clear and user-friendly subscription flow
As in Nostromo, you can only subscribe inside the application, so creating an easy-to-find and understandable subscription section was essential. To be consistent, we reused elements of the pricing page and added extra elements (current plan indicator, BUY button) to help and drive decision making.
“Seeing through the user’s eyes” by learning and working with new research methods
To reveal usability problems we might have created unintentionally, we teamed up with the Budapest University of Technology and Economics to use their eye tracking system Tobii. We organized usability test sessions in the university test lab to test our new pricing page and spent a lot of time on learning and interpreting the outputs of this new method.
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